Key Issues
CARA supports the maintenance and development of Canbury Gardens and other amenities in our area for the benefit of residents and visitors who use those amenities. CARA maintains contact with the council officers and maintenance contractors responsible for these, and with the businesses and sports clubs operating within the Gardens, and with other organisations active within the CARA area. CARA committee members have representation on the Canbury Gardens Working Party, Canbury Pavilion Trust, North Kingston Forum, and the Thames Landscape Strategy, and keep regular contact with the Thames Boat Project, Kingston Rowing Club, Kingston Riverside Tennis Club, the Leander Sea Scouts, and local schools. CARA seeks to improve the local environment, through projects and volunteer activities like litter-picking and bulb planting.
Planning decisions by Kingston Council may have a significant impact on the environment and amenities in CARA area. CARA puts significant efforts into the local planning process, seeking to draw relevant planning proposals to people’s attention to allow them to put their views to the Council before decisions are made. More information is available on the Planning Page.
Parking arrangements within CARA area have a significant impact on residents and visitors. CARA monitors proposals for any significant change to parking zones that will affect the CARA area. More information is available on the Parking Page.
CARA is keen to ensure that the area remains one of the safest in London. CARA works with Neighbourhood Watch and local Police to promote crime prevention as well as minimising anti-social behaviour, illegal mooring, disturbance by late-night revellers, speeding vehicles and other safety issues. For useful contacts and advice see the Policing Page.